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I started going to Svaroopa® Yoga  about 6 months ago. I was suffering from servere Sciatic pain in my lower back and down my right leg that was hindering my movement and quality of life.  After the very first session I felt improvement.  Over the next few weeks the pain started leaving my body and I could feel my legs where repositioning themselves into my hips – bringing great relief.
Now as this year is beginning, I am without that pain and really looking forward to returning to our weekly class.
I would highly recommend Svaroopa® Yoga to everyone, your body will love you for doing it. You will love the classes, the deep relaxation and centering is very helpful to counter balance your busy lives. Bringing you a deep level of peace into your heart & mind.
A new level of relaxation will enter your body, as you unwind muscles that have been tight for years.
Doing Svaroopa® Yoga will change you – forever… for the better.
Margaret B. – Intuitive Healer 

“If you feel there is something missing in your life then Svaroopa® Yoga will help you find it”   

Anastasia S. – Acupuncturist

I have been attending Svaroopa® yoga classes for approximately two years. I have done yoga sessions a number of times throughout my life and wanted to reconnect again. The reasons for doing yoga were many, reclaiming a space for myself, a meditative state, strengthening my body in my later years and enjoyment.

Prior to starting with my weekly Svaroopa® Yoga class I had been swimming weekly, but I was looking for something else. I remember driving away from my first class and reflecting that my body felt like it was buzzing. I had relaxed, stretched just about everything I could stretch and I felt amazing. I still feel like this every week that I attend the class.


The things that I love about Svaroopa® Yoga classes –

  •  It is very non competitive, the only other person that I am aware of in the room is the teacher.

  • The Svaroopa® yoga is gentle, yet you are challenged. Every step in each pose is supported.

  • You are encouraged to do as much as you can, and to the extent that you feel comfortable within yourself.

  • There have been extra sessions that are longer (they never feel longer). Each session is like “Is that it!”

  • The other ladies are lovely and supportive


The things I don’t like about Svaroopa® Yoga  classes –

The teacher has holidays and then I miss out on my weekly fix    (I know about yoga at home, but for me it is the whole experience)
Denise M. – Community Health Worker

I look forward to my Svaroopa® Yoga class because no matter how stressful my week has been I always feel both more relaxed and more alert afterwards,  the simple yet effective yoga style unravels deepest tensions. Most enjoyable!

Deb R. High School Teacher 

 “When I was 19 I had a skiing accident. Since then I have had two operations on my lower back. My back has been my greatest teacher and I have always been open to finding new ways to heal and improve my strength and flexibility, as well as manage the pain….I was so relieved and happy to find a style that inspires me to practice, relieves back pain and is healing for my body and my life…”
Suzanne M.

Svaroopa® Yoga classes are simply beautiful! The gentle encouragement allows the bliss of Svaroopa® Yoga to embrace and delight as we move quietly from position to position. I always feel rested and energised at the end of each class.


Coming straight from work, having hurried around all day in a busy and demanding environment, it is simply magical to lie down, comforted by blankets, before moving into various poses. Each pose helps me to unwind and remove my mind from the other parts of my life. I particularly enjoy breathing through the class and getting in touch with my inner quiet. 


I love the hands on approach which stretches me just that bit further. There is nothing better than losing yourself to this practice first thing every morning.  It eases my backaches and gets me centred for each day ahead. I wouldn’t be without it.
Leanne T. – High School Principal

“The extensive experiential training has given me a confidence boost, even past being a yoga teacher.” – Margaret C.


“Teacher Training and all the programs I have taken have provided me with life-changing discoveries that have resulted in a better quality of life for me.” -Andrea P.

“The DTS has surpassed my expectations!!! I did not really understand the scope of this integrative module/tool until I actually started doing the work. Truly incredible experience….” – Suzanne Connelly

“Having a mentor was extremely helpful in that question the handouts brought up for me or anything that I didn’t understand was clarified. Having a group to learn with helped bring up questions/answers I hadn’t thought of and gave me a broader view.” – Christine Hernandez

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