Svaroopa® Yoga Teaching Training (YTT) Levels
The core of our modular program is the four 7-9 day Intensives. You experience profound personal growth, along with essential support for your transformation through your body, mind, heart, soul and more. You return to your daily life with more energy and more clarity, and an ability to live in an ever-expanding openness that will touch your students as well as everyone else in your life.
Level 1 includes poses in two teaching themes – Daily Practice, Core Opening R
Level 2 includes poses in three teaching themes – Abdominal Activators, Backbends, & Standing Poses
Level 3 includes poses in three teaching themes – Forward Bends, Neck and Shoulders, & Balance & Inversions
Level 4 includes poses in three teaching themes – Classical Poses, Vinyasa, & Seated Poses and Twists

“Each YTT gets better – more and more powerful.” Caroline K.
“What I have gained in 9 days is what many lifetimes may have brought for me. I was propelled! being shot out of a cannon..forward or rather deeper into Self.” Susan W.
“Getting deeper openings helped me to ‘surrender’ and open my heart.” Suzanne B.
2019 Programs
Location: Nundah,Brisbane Queensland, Australia
Date: Friday, 23rd August - Sunday 25th August
Teachers: Vidyadevi (Cathy) Stillman & Kusuma (Karobi) Sachs
Location: Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia
Date: Monday, 26 August - Tuesday 3rd September
Teachers: Vidyadevi (Cathy) Stillman & Kusuma (Karobi) Sachs

“The DTS has surpassed my expectations!!! I did not really understand the scope of this integrative module/tool until I actually started doing the work. Truly incredible experience….” – Suzanne Connelly
“Having a mentor was extremely helpful in that question the handouts brought up for me or anything that I didn’t understand was clarified. Having a group to learn with helped bring up questions/answers I hadn’t thought of and gave me a broader view.” – Christine Hernandez
Here’s where you find out how to take everything you learned back to your own students. After each YTT Level, you get three months of mentoring to help you prepare and teach your classes, in the only program of its kind. You are partnered with one or two other teachers-in-training…
DTS is an at-home, self-study program with a monthly phone call with your Mentor and a partner-Mentee, specifically designed to help you apply everything you learned in your weekly classes. This is another way in which Master Yoga leads the way in quality teacher training! We work in small groups (10-25), and our teacher-student ratio is low, with one teacher for every 8-12 students, so you get the personal attention and support you need.
Find out what poses work for your students with unique needs while you deepen your understanding of anatomy and physiology. The weekend is built around your questions – you get to ask about the diseases, illnesses, injuries, syndromes…
Become an Embodyment® Yoga Therapist and give the experience of profound spinal release to anyone, just by placing your hands on key areas of their spine. In this 5-day course, you learn how to do Svaroopa® yoga’s hands-on-healing modality, so you can offer sessions to your students, family and friends. In this training, you get more spinal opening than in any other, as you receive sessions every day…
"Some of your students go farther in the poses than you, even though you do more yoga. They are so flexible! What is going on here? They have “deceptive flexibility”: their joints and ligaments are overstretched while their spinal muscles are tightening more in every pose. They pay a very high price for this! The instability in their joints and the related spinal compression can lead to early hip replacement surgery, arthritis in their hips and/or spine, and serious digestive problems."
Maybe this even describes you. Learn the specialized teaching protocols to help them healthe damage they are unknowingly causing. This three-day course will teach you how to spot deceptively flexible students, how to prop them for maximum benefitand how to work with their minds to transcend the “picture perfect” paradigm they may have brought from a dance background, other yoga styles, or athletic practices.
“Come if you want to learn how to support yourself and your students to get into the angles that will ensure the openings.”“I have gained a much deeper understanding of why some things work for me and play out in my body and my mind. It has given me a small understanding of something I intend to explore and how to be kinder and more gentle to myself”.