Svaroopa®Yoga Teacher Training (YTT)
Svaroopa® Yoga Teacher Training (YTT) Program Overview
Click on the courses below to learn more about all the programs Svaroopa® Yoga offers:
We support you every step of the way, while giving you a thorough understanding of the depths of yoga’s teachings.
You gain all the tools you need to be an inspiring, experienced and compassionate teacher, including:
128 asanas (poses), including personalized props &adjustments, detailed on over 800 pages of pose handouts
325 pose adjustments
Anatomy & physiology
Teaching methodology
Supervised teaching with personalized coaching
Meditation instruction and experience
Yoga sutras and teachings on philosophy
Sanskrit terminology
Chanting and mantras
Experiential asana classes
Hour-long guided Shavasanas and discussion
Full year of personalized mentorship
Personal guidance and support in a nurturing environment

“The extensive experiential training has given me a confidence boost, even past being a yoga teacher.” – Margaret C.
“Teacher Training and all the programs I have taken have provided me with life-changing discoveries that have resulted in a better quality of life for me.” -Andrea P.
“Be prepared to let go of who you think you are and be open to the possibility of who you can become-and know that in that process, you will see who you have always been inside.” – Jody G.

Each of our modular courses is both compassionate and rigorous, based in your ever-expanding inner experience. You learn to teach people with different types of bodies, customising the poses for their needs while you lead them through a body-changing, life-changing process.
Our YTT curriculum provides you with 685 hours of training and support.
​Total Immersion Programs
Our programs are Teacher Trainings registered with the national Yoga Alliance at the 200-hour and 500-hour levels. Swami Nirmalananda (Rama) was the founding president of Yoga Alliance, which recognises yoga teachers and teacher training schools. Master Yoga is recognised at the highest level, as our Teacher Training offers more hours, more depth and more support than any other. Enjoy superb training in an environment that supports your profound healing and transformation – far beyond anything you even think is possible for you to achieve! We delight in your success.
As a yoga teacher, you know how to handle other people’s bodies. They come in with aches and pains or genuine physical problems – you must know what they need. Our professional Teacher Training prepares you for this daunting and important service. We provide the most thorough training available, including more poses, more handouts, more personal coaching, more change in your own body and the ability to provide profoundly healing Yoga Therapy sessions for your students.
Even teachers in other styles of yoga recognise Svaroopa® yoga teachers as the most qualified and highly trained teachers with unsurpassed skill in handling diverse bodies. You begin to earn money as a teacher after your first course (Foundations) , so you can pay your way with your new professional skills!

“After the training I really understand that I’m not only teaching yoga poses, but really helping my students change their bodies and minds.” – Louise D.
“I got great clarity and balance, and it was just plain fun.” – Jennifer G.